Allen Pooley Mark Lodge No 992
Allen Pooley Mark Lodge held their installation meeting at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool on 2nd October.  One of those present was VWBro Ian Nairn, PGJO, Assistant Provincial Grand Master. 
Once the pre meeting drinks had been finished the DC WBro David Kemp, PPrGSwdB, informed the Worshipful Master, WBro Ron Davies that his officers were all in place.   The WM then opened the lodge and on completion of the business of the lodge, the procession of Grand Officers entered.  Accompanying the APGM, VWBro Ian Nairn was the PGM‘s special representative WBro Michael Winterbottom, PGSD.  With the salutations out of the way it was time for VWBro Paul Shepherd to present the master elect WBro Ian Elsby to the Worshipful Master for the purpose of installation.  WBro Davies then placed WBro Elsby in the chair in fine form.
WBro Alan Jones, PPrGSO, gave an excellent address to the Master.  Once the Worshipful Master had invested his Wardens and they had been placed in their respective chairs; VWBro Paul Shepherd stepped forward again and gave the Wardens address.   It was down to WBro Ernie Waites to give the address to the Overseers.   During the ceremony WBro John Ryan had presented both the Working Tools and the Keystone Jewel to the Worshipful Master in his own unique style.  
To close out the ceremony VWBro Ian Nairn gave the address to the brethren and as always it was done to the highest standard.   After the meeting was closed it was time for Gin, sorry the festive board.  At the festive board VWBro Ian Nairn gave a highly entertaining response to toast to Grand Lodge and this included a big plug for the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and urging those Mark Masons who are not yet members to join.  We wish WBro Ian Elsby and Allen Pooley Mark Lodge a happy and productive year.
Words and photo by Derek Gaskell